I talked about this gig for weeks like it was the second coming of Christ... And finally, in true slacker style, I didn't make it. JUSTICE, the most high profile artist for innovative French electro-funk label
Ed Banger Records, played at "too cool for me" venue Volar, a name banged about so often nowadays it was even discussed in a canto-pop song by Justin (側田).

Despite the fact that JUSTICE has one of the freshest sounds around, I ditched it... In my sad defence, all my friends bailed, and the prospect of being packed in with the beautiful set without reinforcements, nursing the wounds from a $300 cover charge, didn't really appeal. It's a shame, considering the riot JUSTICE VS Simian's
We are your friends (
above) made when it came out last year. A-TRAK, spinmeister and DJ for Kanye West, even spun it at the Hip-Hop mogul's Hong Kong concert.

The JUSTICE debut album is out on June 11, and judging from another single
D.A.N.C.E (
top), complete with a seriously cool retro video, it's gonna be fairly awesome. Another artist to check out from the label is DJ Mehdi, with his pumping
Signatune (T. Bangalter Edit) that gets the blood flowing. And great video as well (
above), featuring a car sound system battle so important that the challenger prays before the event!
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