Having been in Phuket, Thailand, I noticed there were loads of local people really into Bob Marley. Riding in a cab one day though, we were listening to this awesome old school Thai band called "Carabao", which means Buffalo in Tagalog, as the band formed in the Philippines. The band has covered politics, daily Thai life and the struggle of ordinary people since 1977, and can really be considered true "Buffalo Soldiers".
Their combination of elements including rock, reggae, unusual percussive arrangements, slide guitars, flutes, saxophones and traditional Thai instruments makes for an interesting listen, and really singalong and danceable at times! Here one of the guys is playing a traditional Thai Violin, which is possibly called a Saw Duang or Saw U. Actually, I'm not sure, ten bucks (HK) to anyone who can tell me.

Throw in a couple of Singhas, a game of Connect Four and sweet Thai weather plus beaches, and you've got a pretty good time going. Can't believe I didn't pick up some songs in Thailand... looks like I'm going to be trawling local Thai stores for it! Maybe HMV will have it.... haha, no way!
Listen to some music here. It's all in Thai, sorry!
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