After three days and 1,345 beers, 454 glasses of Pimms and 236 swigs of vodka Red Bull, added to four hangovers and god knows what else, you begin to question the wisdom of heading to the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens. In terms of music, it would have to be said that the situation could have been better this year.
A pretty cool Cathay Pacific Sevens Kung Fu Sevens TVC featuring the Rogue Trader's rip-rocking "Watching you" (with help from The Knack's famous "My Sharona" guitar riff ) was a redeeming feature. Otherwise some old favourites like DJ Otzi's "Hey Baby" and the Credit Suisse commercial featuring Reel 2 Real's "I Like to Move It" came up, but The Sevens people really need to get more party anthems pumping for next year. Wanna a dj? I know one, hehe...
On a side note, "My Sharona" appeared in chick-flic "Reality Bites", but I reckon Ethan Hawke is hotter in Gattaca.

1 comment:
Hey, get me a beer!
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